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Silent Battle of First Responers

Mike Worthen is transforming the conversation surrounding how first responders address their own mental health challenges. By sharing his personal struggles, he underscores the importance of a compassionate and understanding approach. “I didn’t know how to cope with the mental and emotional pain,” Worthen admitted to News 3’s Marie Mortera. “I didn’t know how to… Read More

Empowering Workplace Well-being

Empowering Workplace Well-being: The Role of Supervisor Referral to Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) In the fast-paced environment of today’s work culture, empowering workplace well-being wile employees encounter a myriad of challenges, both personal and professional. When these obstacles become overwhelming, they may hinder an individual’s performance and overall well-being. Enter the Employee Assistance Program (EAP),… Read More

Beating the Heat: Staying Safe During the Summer Months

Beating the heat. Summer is synonymous with sunny days, vacations, and outdoor fun. However, as much as we love basking in the warmth of the sun, it’s essential to remember that excessive heat can pose serious health risks. Protecting ourselves and our loved ones from the scorching temperatures is crucial for enjoying the season safely…. Read More

Exercise Can Boost Brain Chemicals Sapped by Depression

By Janice Wood ~ 2 min read A new imaging study shows that intense exercise boosts two critical neurotransmitters — glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) — resulting in better mental fitness. Published in The Journal of Neuroscience, the study’s findings offer new insights into why exercise could become an important part of treating depression and other neuropsychiatric… Read More

Workaholism: The Hidden Dangers

As we usher in the secound quarter, many people commit to ditching harmful behaviors, often focusing on cutting down alcohol, quitting smoking, avoiding sugary treats, or limiting social media usage. However, how many of us consider reducing our workload? Workaholism, or excessive working may not be recognized as a genuine “addiction” by psychology experts, but… Read More


Critical Incident Stress Debriefings (CISDs), Critical Incident Response (CIR), and Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) are essential resources that businesses can offer their workers to navigate stress, trauma, and other dilemmas affecting their personal and work lives. CISDs and CIR represent a distinct form of psychological intervention aimed at extending support to individuals who’ve encountered or… Read More

Navigating the Path After a Positive Drug Screen

CDL Drivers and The Federal Clearinghouse The rules and responsibilities that govern commercial drivers are stringent for good reason. CDL drivers operating commercial vehicles requires impeccable concentration and unfaltering skill—impaired judgement or delayed reactions due to substance abuse have no place in this industry. As part of this robust framework of safety, commercial drivers must… Read More

The Value of Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)

The value of Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) has never been higher. EAPs are becoming increasingly relevant in today’s society, providing vital mental health and work-life support to employees and their families. The demand for EAPs is escalating, with a notable uptick in the number of calls from employees seeking aid. However, visibility is key. If… Read More

Coping with Grief

Grief is an inevitable part of the human experience, and losing a family member can be an incredibly challenging and heartbreaking ordeal. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of grief, its various stages, and some practical strategies to help navigate the difficult journey of mourning and healing. Understanding Grief Grief is a… Read More

25 Ways to Fight Holiday Stress

These 25 expert tips will help you fight holiday stress relax and actually enjoy the holidays. Do you get stressed-out around the holidays? Holiday stress-busting tips Fight Holiday Stress ? The shopping and crowds. The back-to-back diet-busting parties. The interminable chats with the in-laws. We understand how easy it is to feel not so wonderful… Read More

Empowering Employees to Reach Their Potential

Introduction In the fast-paced and dynamic world of business, the success of any organization hinges upon the performance and growth of its employees. Empowering employees to reach their full potential is not just a corporate buzzword; it’s a strategic approach that can lead to improved productivity, increased job satisfaction, and ultimately, better business outcomes. By… Read More

Grief in the Workplace

Grief in the workplace can have a major impact on employees and the way they function. Employee Business Solutions can provide a safe and supportive environment for people who are grieving and can help the organization as a whole to manage the impact of  grief in the workplace. Grief can be a difficult thing to… Read More

Compliance with OSHA Safety

Creating a safe and healthy work environment is essential for any business. Compliance with OSHA safety program is crucial to protect employees from workplace hazards and ensure legal compliance. In this article, we will explore the significance of complying with the OSHA safety program and discuss key steps businesses can take to meet these requirements…. Read More

Getting Through Airport Security With Kids

TSA Experts Share Tips on Getting Through Airport Security With Kids Making plans to fly with your kids? Do you know what to pack, how to pack it, and how to get through the security line seamlessly? Check in first with the Transportation Security Administration and Federal Aviation Administration by listening to our latest ‘The… Read More

Why You Need EAP

In today’s competitive business environment, companies must be innovative in their approach to retaining employees and increasing productivity. One effective strategy is implementing an Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Employee Business Solutions (EBS) offers a comprehensive set of  EAP services to support employees dealing with personal and work-related issues that may impact their job performance. This… Read More

EMDR & Turama

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a type of therapy that has gained recognition for its effectiveness in treating trauma. Trauma can manifest in various forms, including physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, accidents, natural disasters, and witnessing violence. It can have a significant impact on a person’s mental and physical health, and can… Read More

Understanding Stigma, Mental Health

The Silent Enemy for those Facing Mental Health Issues Understanding Stigma and Mental Health sadly, many who face mental illness must also cope with internal and external stigma. Simply speaking stigma is defined as “a mark of shame.” For people with a mental health disorder, this means being treated differently socially, in their school/job, in… Read More


An EAP is a program that provides employees with counseling, support, and resources for personal and work-related issues. These issues can range from stress, depression, and anxiety to financial problems and family conflicts. EAPs can help employees improve their mental health and well-being, which can lead to better job performance and productivity. In addition to… Read More

What Do You Do For Fun?

What are you doing for fun? We all need to take some time for ourselves to relax and unwind – and that’s where having fun comes in! There are so many ways to have fun in life and it’s important to make time for it. From activities like sports and travel to relaxing hobbies such… Read More

CDL Driver + Test

What’s Next? In today’s world, drug testing is a common part of the job for many CDL drivers. When a driver tests positive for drugs, their future in the industry may be uncertain. But for those who are determined to stay in the business, there is hope. A driver who has tested positive for drugs… Read More

Setting personal boundaries in your workplace

Here are some key items to consider when setting personal boundaries in your workplace: Identify your personal limits: It’s important to understand what you are comfortable with and what you are not when it comes to your personal space, time, and energy. This will help you communicate your boundaries effectively to your colleagues. Communicate your… Read More

Confronting Mental Health Challenges Exacerbating Mortality Crisis

Since the end of 2019, life expectancy in the US has declined by almost 3 years, from 78 years, 10 months to 76 years, 1 month. This is an unprecedented and unexpected loss in the modern era. Although due in part to the direct effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, we must be alarmed that increased suicide and… Read More

Flexible Working is Most Important

By Zoe Wickens More than three-quarters (77%) of employees think flexible working is the most important benefit when considering a job move in 2022, according to research by global HR and payroll firm Remote. The firm surveyed 10,000 full-time employees across the UK, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and the US, to find out what the most desirable employee… Read More

Dependency & Addiction Among Seniors

For many people, the elderly are the last group that they’d imagine would be dealing with issues involving dependency and addivtion to alcohol and drugs. Unfortunately, new data indicates that the number of senior citizens with drug problems is on the rise for a variety of complicated reasons. More than just vitamins and supplements, to… Read More

Why EAP services are important

How to help employees use EAP service Have you ever heard this statement? Leave your personal life outside the door when coming into work and don’t bring work home with you. I have. Separate your personal and work lives was, and at times still is, a common theme. I understand the premise of that thinking…. Read More

Drug-Free Work Environment

Unfortunately, drugs are all around these days. When it comes to educating people about the dangers of drug abuse, it is easy to list off the health risks and other negative side effects but dealing with addiction is a much more complicated process. Drug use can become prevalent in workplace environments that require enduring high… Read More

Social Anxiety and Loneliness

By SOCIETY FOR NEUROSCIENCE FEBRUARY 22, 2022 Driven by Different Brain States Despite similar symptoms, loneliness and social anxiety are driven by different brain states, according to new research published in JNeurosci. Loneliness can have detrimental consequences on physical and mental health, yet there are currently few behavioral interventions for loneliness like there are for other conditions. Lieberz… Read More

Optimize Workplace Culture

Resignation shows how workers are experiencing a purpose crisis. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 4.4 million Americans quit their jobs in September 2021, a record high, showing that “The Great Resignation” (also referred to as “The Great Realization”) is in full swing. The COVID-19 pandemic gave many people time to stop and think and reevaluate their professional and… Read More

Combat Stressful Work Situations

Recent research has proved that there is a high percentage of Americans who feel stressed at work, and this percentage is only getting higher with time—a survey conducted with more than 2000 full-time employees in the U.S. between the ages 18-79 showed that more than half of the people find themselves in stressful situations at work 60%… Read More

Stress Survival Skills

There are eight essential Stress Survival Skills that work in combination to help you make decisions. They focus on preventing distress and enriching the quality of your life. Everyone has a form of the skills below, some which bring about negative change; most bring out a positive change. Decide which skills you want to strengthen?… Read More

Helping Employees Deal With Stress

Employees still struggle with stress – despite the supposed return to normal. In fact, some mental health experts say it’s staggering to employees. According to Mental Health America’s Mind in the Workplace report: 83% of employees experience early signs of burnout 25% of employees experience the most severe signs of burnout, which include poorer performance,… Read More

Employers seeing resignation spikes this summer?

By Kathryn Moody Will employers seeing resignation spikes this summer? Brief: While general wisdom holds that few people wanted to leave their jobs during the pandemic, data from Visier shows that voluntary resignations did not drop as dramatically as may have been presumed — and for some groups of employees, resignations even increased, the workforce analytics… Read More

Can EAP Use Be Required by an Employer?

April 27,2021 Can EAP Use Be Required by an Employer? Question: Can we require our employees to use an employee-assistance program? We have an employee who made a physical threat against her supervisor to a member of HR. We want to make that employee consult with a therapist at an EAP as a condition for that… Read More

Dysfunctional Workplace Culture

Working outside the office should help de-escalate workplace toxicity. But in reality, dysfunctional workplace culture may actually get worse when you’re at home. By Hannah Hickok When Nikolina swapped the office for home working in early 2020 as the pandemic swept the globe, she hoped her company’s toxic culture might improve. “I thought my work… Read More

Want positive employee experiences?

Start with Wellbeing Here’s why Limeade’s Laura Hamill says there’s ‘so much more work to do in wellbeing.’ By: Kathryn Mayer HR professionals often roll out program after program, thinking that’s how they can improve the employee experience. But if organizations don’t work on creating positive employee emotions, or try to positively affect or improve employee… Read More

Keeping patients on track

Quick Safety – The Joint Commission Keeping patients on track with preventative care during pandemic Due to fear of exposure to COVID-19, many patients are not seeking preventative care, placing their health in jeopardy. An estimated 40.9% of adults in the U.S. have avoided medical care during the pandemic because of concerns about COVID-19. Issue: … Read More

Requiring Vaccines Hurt a Company’s Culture?

A new study says 67% of companies are concerned about a mandate’s impact on employee morale While many people, thankfully, have moved heaven and earth to discover, produce and distribute a vaccine for COVID-19,  when it comes to deciding whether companies should require vaccination as a term of employment, there isn’t a clear consensus. While… Read More

Wellness Trends for 2021

Though the COVID-19 pandemic continues to challenge us in so many ways, more and more employers are realizing that well-designed corporate wellness trends and programs can provide significant relief for their employees. A recent survey of 2,185 professionals from 19 countries found that 89% of professionals feel more productive during the workday after exercising and 96%… Read More

Handling Grief In The Workplace

Many people in the world are experiencing the loss of someone they know because of the coronavirus pandemic. When that occurs, how do you, as a leader, handle the ensuing grief in your organization? Grief is a challenging and complicated emotion, ranging from denial and bargaining to anger and depression and, finally, acceptance. Another angle… Read More

The rise of EAP during COVID-19

Grace Ferguson Though employers have been ramping up their EAP initiatives for some time now, it’s The rise of EAP during COVID-19 pandemic that’s catapulting this workplace benefit to greater heights. COVID-19 and Employee Mental Health A 2020 report by Ginger shows that prior to the COVID-19 pandemic employees were already experiencing high levels of stress. But, “Once… Read More

EMS World – Better Ways to Cope

Issue:   December 2020 Michael Worthen, NRP I first became intrigued with EMS and the fire service by the TV program Rescue 911. After seeing how first responders saved everybody and always had a positive outcome (it seemed realistic enough, right?), this was what I wanted to do. I didn’t know the mental toll this career would… Read More

Positive Tests Climb During Pandemic

Source: Positive Tests for Fentanyl, Heroin, Opioids Climb During Pandemic Tom Valentino, Senior Editor Addiction Professional Rates of positive tests for heroin, non-prescribed fentanyl and non-prescribed opioids each saw significant increases during the first two months of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a study published by Quest Diagnostics. The study, which was published by the journal… Read More

Let’s Wash Our Hands

Let’s Wash Our Hands  – Help Stop the Spread of COVID-19   Let’s Wash Our Hands. The World Health Organization has announced that COVID-19 is now a worldwide pandemic. It already in over 114 countries and continues to grow. There are things we can do to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. The American Red… Read More

Lockdown changed your personality?

Our personalities are shaped by our experiences and social interactions, so how might the months of being isolated from friends, family and colleagues have altered us? There wasn’t just one lockdown – we all had our own experience. Some people were forced into months of unbroken solitude, others trapped for weeks on end with an… Read More

How to Cope With COVID Fatigue

How to Cope With COVID Fatigue Maddy Meislin on July 23, 2020 tags: Managing Stress, Wellness Many are feeling a sense of “COVID fatigue” – pure exhaustion from the pandemic. With so much daily uncertainty and harsh reality on the news, we are growing more stressed with little room to do the coping activities we are accustomed to doing…. Read More

Covid Workplace Airborne Risk?

U.S. companies fear workplace coronavirus precautions do not address airborne risk Caroline Humer 5 MIN READ NEW YORK (Reuters) – U.S. companies are raising new questions about coronavirus in the workplace how they can make workplaces safe after the world’s top public health agency acknowledged the risk that tiny airborne droplets of the novel coronavirus… Read More

25% at Risk COVID-19 Illness

Nearly 25% of workers are at high risk for serious complications from COVID-19 if infected, according to new analysis from Kaiser Family Foundation. This signals that employers may want to embrace remote work options longer than expected and better prepare for bringing workers back to the workplace. The analysis estimates that 37.7 million workers, or… Read More

Overdose Deaths on the Rise

Tom Valentino, Senior Editor – Addiction Professional Overdose Deaths on the Rise Again Amid COVID-19 Suspected overdose submissions to the Office of National Drug Control Policy’s Overdose Data Mapping Application Program from January to April this year are up 16.6% vs. the same period in 2019, according to an ODMAP report. Fatal overdoses are up 11.4%… Read More

CDC & employers’ road to reopening

CDC Dive Brief: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has published a flowchart outlining the actions employers should take before reopening during the COVID-19 pandemic. Employers should first consider whether reopening will be consistent with applicable state and local orders and whether they are prepared to protect employees at a higher risk for severe illness,… Read More

Supreme Court won’t define ADA’s standard

Supreme Court Brief: The U.S.  Supreme Court declined April 27 to take up a case that would resolve the question of what, specifically, a plaintiff bringing an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) lawsuit must prove. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals last year held that a district court correctly instructed a jury to apply… Read More

Telehealth and the coronavirus crisis

As the coronavirus crisis pandemic causes new levels of stress and isolation, workers are increasingly turning to their employer-provided mental health plans. In turn, employers are mobilizing to support their workers as they adapt to the new surreal reality of work life. “The disruption in behavior and the uncertainty has led to a lot of… Read More

Governor has Directed all Nevadans

Governor Steve Sisolak has directed all Nevadans to stay home and for all nonessential businesses to close to the public for 30 days. All gaming machines, devices, tables, games, and any equipment related to gaming activity will be shut down effective midnight tonight. These COVID-19 Risk Mitigation measures will be fully effective as of noon… Read More

About the Coronavirus Outbreak

What You Need to Know About the Coronavirus Outbreak? CDC is responding to the coronavirus outbreak of a respiratory disease caused by a novel (new) coronavirus that was first detected in China and which has now been detected in almost 70 locations internationally, including in the United States. The virus has been named “SARS-CoV-2” and… Read More

Taking Care of Yourself at Workplace

Taking Care of Yourself at Workplace and Combating  workplace stress throughout the day with regular interventions. Whittle away at stress rather than doing something about it only when you hit the wall at day’s end. Think “preventive maintenance.” The goal: leaving work feeling less exhausted. Target four areas: 1) The Body – Create means of… Read More

Anger in the Workplace

If you blow up at disappointments, rage at inconveniences, or bark at others’ mistakes, then you probably recognize your anger management problem. Are you still struggling to get a handle on it? The change you want entails education about anger, self-awareness, and triggers; practicing alternative responses; logging attempts at change; practicing response tactics; apologizing to… Read More

Social Isolation Hits All-Time High, Demands Care Access Boost

Sixty-one percent of people report social isolation, up 7 percentage points from last year’s figures. By Sara Heath Three in five adults experience loneliness and social isolation, pushing the social determinant of health and mental health challenge to its highest level on record, according to the 2020 Loneliness Index from Cigna. Using survey data from… Read More


You sometimes will find it useful to consider an applicant’s appearance or looks when you make hiring decisions. Perhaps you do not like this. But it can help you when a applicant’s looks impact employee productivity. Of course, you must hire applicants who possess job-related skills needed on the job. And sometimes applicant appearance or… Read More

Intermittent Leave Challenges

Employees are guaranteed the ability to take leave under certain circumstances. FMLA give them the right to take up the 12 weeks of leave per year should they meet the requirements. That doesn’t mean that this type of leave isn’t abused. The leave is designed to provide time off for major events and or health… Read More

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