Employee Assistance Programs and Business Solutions
Employee Business Solutions, Inc. also offers expertise in Business Development Consulting. Helping Behavioral Health Care Hospitals and Organizations in achieving their business objectives while training your employees to perform at their maximum level. Most private Behavioral Health Care Organizations struggle to capture the market share in the community. Employee Business Solutions, Inc. has a proven business development plan that has helped numerous Behavioral Health Care Providers meet their Business and Financial Goals. Some of the expert services provided:
- Business Development Planning and Maximizing Business Implementation
- Contracted Unit Management
- Intake Assessment and Referral
- Community Outreach
- Internet Marketing of Services
- Staff Training and In-Services
- Financial Planning & Modeling
- Negotiation and Contract Strategies
- Reimbursement Strategies
- HMO and Managed Care Contracting
Benefits of a Drug Free Workplace Program
Implementation and management of a Drug Free Workplace Program is one of the primary services offered by Employee Business Solutions. This program enables companies such as yours to assure their employees of a safe and drug-free work environment. Employee Business Solutions either alone or in conjunction with your human resources department, maintains all policies and procedures and insures your company is up to industry standards.
Drug Free Workplace Workers Compensation Discount
As you are no doubt aware, there is a financial as well as moral incentive to maintaining a Drug Free Workplace. Companies with Drug Free Work Place Programs are eligible for 5% discounts on their Workers Compensation premiums. In many cases, this discount alone more that pays for the cost of implementation and management of the program.
Additional Rebate for Small Business.
Employee Business Solutions, Inc. is interested in encouraging your small to mid-size business to become drug-free right now, with a $100 cash voucher incentive program. Additionally, we can assist you in applying for a minimum 5% workers compensation premium reduction in the State of Florida drug-free workplace policy. We encourage you to join the thousands of South Florida businesses that have already established comprehensive drug-free workplaces and are benefiting from the program both financially and with a better workplace environment.
Contact us today to see if your company or business is eligible for this additional rebate.
Employee Business Solutions, Inc. Services
We offer numerous add on services for the consumers and businesses.
- Customized EAP Programs
- Drug Free Work Place Programs and Administration
- Work Place Safety Programs
- Department on Transportation Substance Abuse Training CDL Drivers and Supervisors
- Behavioral Health and Substance Abuse Consulting
- Critical Incident Stress Defusing and Debriefing
- Recovery Companions
Employee Assistance Program Solutions
- A majority of businesses with over 500 employees currently have an Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Over 70% of companies with 100-499 employees also have EAP’s and the numbers are steadily growing. An EAP is the most direct and cost-effective way to tell employees that they really are your most important resource.
- An EAP will service 6 to 16% of your company’s employees during year one in addition to one third of their family members. Given the average cost of termination, temporary replacements, recruitment selection, and training, if the EAP saves just one job per year it will pay for itself. Productivity is also greatly enhanced as it often takes several months for a new employee to achieve the productivity of his/her predecessor. In addition, if an employee has a problem, which impacts work performance, often other members in the department are affected as well.
- EAP can manage utilization of mental health insurance benefits, keeping your company’s premiums low and assuring that your employee’s get appropriate care quickly and cost effectively. Afflictions such as depression, stress and substance abuse comprise more than 25% of employer health costs. Fifty percent of EAP users will have their needs met through the EAP, eliminating the need to utilize their health care benefits for additional counseling. In addition, employees who are referred to mental health providers will have their treatment monitored for effectiveness. This will reduce the likelihood of employees receiving unnecessary or ineffective treatment.
- A small company (70 employees) reduced its workers’ compensation and vehicular accident cost by $75,000 by establishing an EAP with an emphasis on safety awareness.
- Studies done at Crestar Bank showed that average psychiatric costs were 58 percent less for EAP participants compared with those who did not use the EAP. EAP participants had an average of 8.8 sessions compared to 13.1 sessions for the non-EAP group. The average cost of $45 per session resulted in savings of $193 per outpatient case.
- McDonnell Douglas research study supports the premise that providing EAP services significantly reduces mental health costs. The study suggests that EAP’s average a 3-to-1 return on the dollar overall, but can pay off as much as 13-1 when the employees involved have been recommended to an EAP by their supervisors as a result of poor job performance. Employees using EAP’s have fewer absences, generate fewer medical claims, and remain with their companies longer.
- Many companies initially hire an EAP to help them comply with the Drug-Free Workplace Act. This act requires all businesses with federal contracts of $25,000 or more to maintain a drug-free workplace. An EAP can facilitate all of the legislation’s requirements for a company to establish drug policies and to provide the training and clinical services needed to stay drug-free.
- Managers are given the means to address performance issues quickly and appropriately while avoiding the tendency to become over involved with personal counseling.
- In addition to cost-savings and compliance, EAP’s enhance employees’ morale and loyalty.
Should Your Company be a Drug Free Work Place?
Should Your Company or Business be a Drug Free Workplace? The answer is not always easy. The main concerns include that a Drug Free program will turn away prospective new hires, the cost of testing and the administrative hassles. But you need to consider the following statistics, compiled by the Institute for a Drug Free Workplace, when deciding whether or not to be a drug free workplace.
Employee that uses drugs versus an employee who is Drug-Free:
- 80% of internal embezzlement, fraud and pilferage loss in the workplace is drug related.
- 73% of all drug users are employed.
- Uses 300% more sick benefits.
- Has a 250% more absence of 8 days or more.
- Requests early dismissal or time off during work 220% more often.
- Is late for work 300% more often.
- Is involved in job-related accidents 300% more often.
- Is 500% more likely to file a Workers’ Compensation claim.
- Uses 2.5 times more medical benefits.
Substance Abuse Consulting / Management
Employee Business Solutions, Inc. also offers expertise in Business Development Consulting. Helping Substance Abuse Providers and Organizations in achieving their business objectives while training your employees to perform at their maximum level. Most private Substance Abuse Organizations struggle to capture the market share in the community. Employee Business Solutions, Inc. has a proven business development plan that has helped numerous Substance Abuse Providers meet their Business and Financial Goals. Some of the expert services provided:
- Business Development Planning and Maximizing Business Implementation
- Contracted Unit Management
- Intake Assessment and Referral
- Community Outreach
- Internet Marketing of Services
- Staff Training and In-Services
- Financial Planning & Modeling
- Negotiation and Contract Strategies
- Reimbursement Strategies
- HMO and Managed Care Contracting