Why Employee Business Solutions?
Employee Business Solutions (EBS) is a comprehensive and reliable Employee Assistance Program (EAP) that provides employers and employees with a comprehensive range of services and resources to help promote a healthy and productive work environment. EBS provides a variety of services and resources to employers and employees to help with a variety of issues such as stress, depression, and substance abuse. EBS offers employers the ability to customize the services and resources to best fit the needs of the company. They provide a wide range of services that include counseling, financial planning, legal advice, and more.
EBS also offers a variety of resources for employers, such as an online forum, webinars, and resources for employees who are dealing with personal issues. EBS also offers employers the opportunity to access a team of highly trained professionals who can provide advice and assistance with any workplace issues that may arise. The professionals are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and can provide support and guidance to help employers manage the complexities of their organization. This team of professionals can also provide employers with information and resources regarding the latest trends in the workplace and how to handle difficult situations.
Cost Effective
EBS is also a cost–effective option for employers and employees. They offer competitive pricing and a number of payment plans and options to fit any budget. EBS is also flexible and provides employers with the ability to scale the services and resources to best fit their needs. This allows employers to tailor their EAP to their specific needs, without having to worry about overspending. Overall, EBS is a comprehensive and reliable Employee Assistance Program that offers employers and employees a comprehensive range of services and resources to help promote a healthy and productive workplace. EBS offers employers and employees access to a team of highly trained professionals, resources and information, and cost–effective pricing and payment options. With EBS, employers and employees can feel confident that they are receiving the best possible service and support to help them manage their workplace issues.
Employee Assistance Programs and Business Solutions
Why EAP? Every business is composed of the people who operate it. It is good business to help employees function at their top performance level. Personal problems cause absenteeism, tardiness, higher accident rates, faulty decision making, and an overall decline in work performance. It has been proven that helping employees to help themselves is much less costly than firing, rehiring and retraining. Whether a business is concerned with banking, health care, transportation, manufacturing, etc., Employee Business Solutions, Inc. can structure an Employee Assistance Program for your business.
Do YOU need an EAP? Here are some important reasons to consider:
- IMPROVED PRODUCTIVITY: When an employee is dealing with personal issues, family problems or substance abuse, the result is often a drop in productivity at work.
- INCREASED MORALE: A happy and healthy employee is a productive and effective one.
- DECREASE ABSENTEEISM: EAPs reduce the amount of time employees take off work. EAPs provide a range of prevention and treatment options for employees and their families.
- REDUCED COMPANY COSTS: Employee Assistance Programs are designed to reduce the impact that social, psychological or physical problems have on the employee in order to reduce the financial impact on the company.
- REDUCED TURNOVER: EAPs effectively reduce the turnover of employees by managing work related and personal stress.
- LESS ACCIDENTS AT WORK: It is easy to see how accidents can happen at work when you’re stressed.
- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: One of the great things about an EAP is they are able to connect employees directly with professional services and the first appointment will usually occur within a few days.
Employee Business Solutions, EAP will work to help you increase productivity, retain valuable, trained employees, reduce accidents, handle employee crisis intervention, provide supervisor training and consultation, and address issues related to turnover and staff issues.