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Empowering Workplace Well-being

Empowering Workplace Well-being: The Role of Supervisor Referral to Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) In the fast-paced environment of today’s work culture, empowering workplace well-being wile employees encounter a myriad of challenges, both personal and professional. When these obstacles become overwhelming, they may hinder an individual’s performance and overall well-being. Enter the Employee Assistance Program (EAP),… Read More

Workaholism: The Hidden Dangers

As we usher in the secound quarter, many people commit to ditching harmful behaviors, often focusing on cutting down alcohol, quitting smoking, avoiding sugary treats, or limiting social media usage. However, how many of us consider reducing our workload? Workaholism, or excessive working may not be recognized as a genuine “addiction” by psychology experts, but… Read More

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