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workplace safety

Exercise Can Boost Brain Chemicals Sapped by Depression

By Janice Wood ~ 2 min read A new imaging study shows that intense exercise boosts two critical neurotransmitters — glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) — resulting in better mental fitness. Published in The Journal of Neuroscience, the study’s findings offer new insights into why exercise could become an important part of treating depression and other neuropsychiatric… Read More


Critical Incident Stress Debriefings (CISDs), Critical Incident Response (CIR), and Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) are essential resources that businesses can offer their workers to navigate stress, trauma, and other dilemmas affecting their personal and work lives. CISDs and CIR represent a distinct form of psychological intervention aimed at extending support to individuals who’ve encountered or… Read More

Compliance with OSHA Safety

Creating a safe and healthy work environment is essential for any business. Compliance with OSHA safety program is crucial to protect employees from workplace hazards and ensure legal compliance. In this article, we will explore the significance of complying with the OSHA safety program and discuss key steps businesses can take to meet these requirements…. Read More

EMDR & Turama

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a type of therapy that has gained recognition for its effectiveness in treating trauma. Trauma can manifest in various forms, including physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, accidents, natural disasters, and witnessing violence. It can have a significant impact on a person’s mental and physical health, and can… Read More

Requiring Vaccines Hurt a Company’s Culture?

A new study says 67% of companies are concerned about a mandate’s impact on employee morale While many people, thankfully, have moved heaven and earth to discover, produce and distribute a vaccine for COVID-19,  when it comes to deciding whether companies should require vaccination as a term of employment, there isn’t a clear consensus. While… Read More

Handling Grief In The Workplace

Many people in the world are experiencing the loss of someone they know because of the coronavirus pandemic. When that occurs, how do you, as a leader, handle the ensuing grief in your organization? Grief is a challenging and complicated emotion, ranging from denial and bargaining to anger and depression and, finally, acceptance. Another angle… Read More

Election Year Politics Protocols for Office Talk

Election Politics Protocols for the Office Most of us are familiar with the old adage cautioning against discussing politics in polite company, but at least one survey a few years ago indicated that employees do not heed this advice in the workplace.  According to the survey by, 66% of respondents say  that their coworkers… Read More

Let’s Wash Our Hands

Let’s Wash Our Hands  – Help Stop the Spread of COVID-19   Let’s Wash Our Hands. The World Health Organization has announced that COVID-19 is now a worldwide pandemic. It already in over 114 countries and continues to grow. There are things we can do to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. The American Red… Read More

There are 2 types of people who tend to get overly stressed at work

Áine Cain Sep. 13, 2016 – Reprint with permission Feeling Stressed at Work? Feeling like your head’s about to explode from stress at work? That may be due to what you value professionally, according to a recent Deloitte study. The study surveyed 23,000 working adults, 28% of whom reported that they are often or always… Read More

A Safe Workplace Is A Productive Workplace

In 2012 there were 4,628 workers that died while on the job- that’s more than 12 deaths every day. Also in 2012, there were almost 3 million non-fatal injuries that occurred on the job. These injuries are dramatically affecting the economic situation of workers in America, making it tougher for them to pay their bills… Read More

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