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Empowering Workplace Well-being

Empowering Workplace Well-being: The Role of Supervisor Referral to Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) In the fast-paced environment of today’s work culture, empowering workplace well-being wile employees encounter a myriad of challenges, both personal and professional. When these obstacles become overwhelming, they may hinder an individual’s performance and overall well-being. Enter the Employee Assistance Program (EAP),… Read More

Beating the Heat: Staying Safe During the Summer Months

Beating the heat. Summer is synonymous with sunny days, vacations, and outdoor fun. However, as much as we love basking in the warmth of the sun, it’s essential to remember that excessive heat can pose serious health risks. Protecting ourselves and our loved ones from the scorching temperatures is crucial for enjoying the season safely…. Read More

Election Year Politics Protocols for Office Talk

Election Politics Protocols for the Office Most of us are familiar with the old adage cautioning against discussing politics in polite company, but at least one survey a few years ago indicated that employees do not heed this advice in the workplace.  According to the survey by, 66% of respondents say  that their coworkers… Read More

Health, productivity improve after EAP counseling

EAP counseling have been a “benefit in the background” in many workplaces. They aren’t typically marketed to employees the way other benefits are, but are available if employees want psychological counseling or a resource for financial or legal assistance. Unfortunately, that lack of marketing often works against them. If employees aren’t taught or told about… Read More

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