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Launch of a New Employee Business Solutions Website

April 18th, 2014

Employee Business Solutions, Inc. announced the launching of it new website to support clients, employees and their families. Today’s announcement expands the scope of services employers and employees can access using the new interactive website.

“Our job at the Employee Business Solutions, Inc. EAP is to provide access and opportunity to employees who want to find solutions to any adverse situations in their life’s. ” said Employee Business Solutions, Inc. Founder and President Christopher J. Brekka. “For employers who find themselves with an employee whose job performance is declining or other life’s stressors is effecting them, the EBS, Inc. website and toolkit will help find solutions to their adverse situation. Allowing the employee to take ownership into a reality and possibly there is hope and a solution. It is – a win-win scenario.”

Participation in the Employee Assistance Programs is voluntary for eligible employees and their families, and enables them to receive help, support and guidance anytime 24-7. The new website provides tools and technical assistance to employers that are considering implementing or enhancing a Employee Assistance Program, and additional resources to help the consumer make better choices.

A key component of the new website is the EBS, Inc. toolkit, which contains several free, online resources available through the website to support the employer and employee. The site also highlights access to preferred providers that can be accesses at no cost to the employee.

Visit the new Employee Business Solutions website at

Employee Business Solutions, Inc. “Assisting Business and Employees Through A Varity Of Adverse Situations”

Contact Us at 866-755-9980 or [email protected]

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